What is Climate Change?  How does it influence the environment?  Can it be stopped?

Climate Change is the change of weather patterns for an extended period of time.  This is caused by factors such as biotic processes, volcanic eruptions, plate tectonics, variations in solar radiation and certain human activities.  This ongoing climate change is often called Global Warming.  Climate change occurs because of internal effects, which are natural processes within the climate system and through external factors, such as volcanic eruption and human activities emitting greenhouses gasses.

Credits to https://climate.nasa.gov/climate_resources/125/

Climate Change alters the environment.  The Climate system is an interactive one that includes the atmosphere, land surface, snow, ice, oceans and other water bodies as well as all living things.  Solar radiation powers and balances the climate system. Changes in the incoming solar radiation will influence the balance and this will alter weather patterns.  Temperatures will either become warmer or colder.  Severe droughts will occur more frequently.

Sea levels will rise because of icebergs melting faster.  Rising sea levels will cause displacement of people and housing.  The oceans will become warmer due to the absorption of carbon dioxide, which will lead to acidification that will threaten the Coral Reefs.  Coral Reefs won’t be able to live in warmer water.  Coral Reefs flourish in a well-balanced ecosystem and is very sensitive to any change.

We cannot stop Global Warming.  Climate Change is already happening.  Scientists predict that we have about ten years to save the earth.  Even if the whole world stops all carbon emissions, the process can only be slowed down, which will give time for adapting to a changing environment.

We can slow down Climate Change through solutions like Renewable Energies Technologies, and by reducing Deforestation.  Forests keep temperatures lower to the extent that is safe for life.  Scientists are doing research, planning strategies and implementing models for balancing carbon dioxide emissions with carbon sinks.  They are planning to cross-breed reef specimens in the laboratory to create Coral Reefs that will be better equipped to survive in warmer water.

But still, altering the natural environment will always have consequences.  And we need to adapt to these circumstances.  We need time to adapt.  Therefore the need exists to take action in any small possible manner.